Hypnobirthing & Antenatal


Are you looking to book A hypnobirthing course and want to do some bespoke, experienced birth preparation? Then this is the incredible course just for you…

THIS course WILL LEAVE YOU more informed & confident in your pregnancy, birth and journey to motherhood.

Welcome to MummaPod

Have you started your search with “Hypnobirthing ” or “Antenatal courses” in the hopes of finding a like-minded person that can assist you in your pregnancy and birth and are you looking for someone who can make you excited about this new chapter of your life? The MummaPod antenatal course is the right place for you, this course will make you feel truly supported in your pregnancy, birth, and arrival to motherhood, be it the first, second, third time…

Mummapod strives to improve pregnancy, birth & motherhood for the better; giving everyone access to a positive experience.

Our Reviews and Positive Birth Stories speak for themselves, we have seen hundreds of women and their birth partners, be transformed by their incredible pregnancies, births and motherhood experiences.



bespoke antenatal & hypnobirthing preparation