Sid & Rob

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At six days over my ‘given due date’ I had my first sweep. I had had a little show a couple of days before but not much else to show labour was imminent. The midwife said I still had a way to go (in more technical terms!) and to go and do some bouncing on the ball that night. 

My mindset was really positive, having gone ten days over with my first, I had worried a bit about going over my due date but this time I felt in no rush and on the train home from the hospital I remember thinking I must enjoy these last precious moments of being pregnant.

The afternoon was spent chasing toddlers around Bushy Park then back home to do dinner for my daughter aged 2. She proceeded to throw cous cous around the kitchen and as I was clearing up and bending over lots I felt some strong feelings in my stomach. I would describe them as achy feelings. I did wonder if this might be labour but wasn't 100 per cent sure. Shortly after around 6pm I felt what I though could be contractions but they were very light. They were very regular, every three minutes or so like they had been when they started with my daughter's birth, but were not painful at this point. I did my breathing each time I felt them and then carried on. I texted my husband and asked when he’d be home and he said 7:30pm. I realised he wasn't likely to be able to get back much quicker so didn't tell him I might be in labour! During my daughter's bath the contractions got stronger and by story time at 7:15pm I was wondering if I should get my mother-in-law who was staying, to take over but then stories were almost over so carried on. As soon as my little one was in bed (7:30pm) I went downstairs and got some paracetamol and went up to the bedroom and asked my m in law to send my husband straight up when he came in which ended up being 7:45pm. I got the tens machine on by myself (glad I did a practice run a few days before) and used that for the contractions which were now getting quite intense. I did my breathing and lit a candle and put on my positive birth affirmations from KG hypnobirthing which I'd downloaded onto my mobile and had listened to at least once a day for the last couple of months of pregnancy. As soon as my husband came in I asked him to bring up the birthing ball for me and sitting on that was a lot more comfortable than sitting on the bed or standing. He got me my sweets and asked what we should do. I texted our doula and she said she'd make her way and she was with us 20 mins later. Those 20 minutes waiting were intense but the breathing really helped as the tens machine. When I saw her I felt instant relief. 

We decided to make our way to the hospital so my husband got everything ready in the car whilst myself and our doula started to make our way downstairs. There were two flights and the pressure was really strong coming down the stairs. On the landing my doula gave me a hug and put some pressure on my back which really helped relieve it. I said I needed the loo and after that when I stood my waters just burst like a massive balloon being popped. Loads of water was on the floor and my leggings were soaked through. Our doula asked me what I'd like to do, change, or continue and I said lets keep going. I felt the baby was really low down at this point and getting down the next flight of stairs was uncomfortable and when we got to the front door and my husband was about to help me to the car I said I couldn't get in the car. I didn't know for sure our baby was about to be born but I just felt I could not get in a car at that moment! We got into the living room and I undressed with help and I got down on all fours. It just felt like the right position to be in. I just concentrated on breathing as Rob and the doula and the mother in law got towels and phoned the ambulance. My husband was on the phone while our amazing doula got into the firing line to take the delivery, I think we all knew at this point there was a baby about to be born. I really concentrated on breathing and was still using the tens machine! The pressure as he was coming out was actually a relief and didn't feel too bad! I think it was just such a relief from all the pressure to be getting the baby out so it actually felt good. I remember turning around as he came out and seeing the cord wrapped around him which was a bit of a worry but our doula gently unfolded him from the cord and handed him to me. I had seen instantly he was a boy (we were having a surprise)! I rubbed him up and he made a little noise (those seconds felt long before he made a sound but they weren't). It was such a brilliant experience. I loved feeling the birth having had an epidural with my daughter. The breathing and tens machine really helped me get some control over the contractions and I can't recommend getting a doula enough, it was the best thing we ever did for our birth! Having a person there who knew about birth to support me really helped me relax during the run up to and during the labour. And in the end was a bit of a life saver for us. THANK YOU MAC! Our little boy is so lovely, we are over the moon!

Mary-Anne Constable